Taiwan Music Culture Tour

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「2011年北美地區台灣傳統週」訪團演出主題以「眾音出擊,It’s amazing!」呈現,從傳統到現代、從重節奏的搖滾到輕鬆的民謠小調、從國、台、客語到鄒族、阿美族歌曲,表演內容涵括台灣各族群多元曲風,展現生活在這塊土地上人們旺盛的生命力。表演者橫跨了台灣樂壇老中青三代、演唱資歷豐富、詞曲創作俱佳,多次入圍國內各大音樂獎項。相信透過訪團淋漓盡致的演出,觀眾可深切體會台灣在保存傳統音樂的努力與貢獻。

2011 Taiwanese American Heritage Week proudly presents the amazing team from Taiwan. This year we bring you the songs from traditional to the latest pop music, and we cover the musical genres from exciting Rock n Roll to relaxing folk music, in languages of Chinese, Taiwanese, Hakka, aboriginal languages of Tsou and Ami. Our performance contains multicultural melodies of Taiwan, demonstrating the passion of our people thriving on this island. As for our performers, senior musicians and future stars in Taiwanese music circles are all included in this team, and they are constant nominees by the musical awards at home, full of musical experiences and energy. With this amazing team we guarantee the audience of 2011 Taiwanese American Heritage Week a feast for cultural exchange. Through our passionate performance, the audience could deeply understand the endeavor and contribution Taiwan has made to equally save our traditional music heritage while exploring new territory for Chinese pop music.



現任團員:主唱節奏吉他-阿吉 主奏吉他-小白 貝斯-大鈞 鼓手-Mickey

自1997年成軍至今的董事長樂團,被許多新成立的樂團視為學習效法的樂團,他們對音樂的堅持以及在創作上屢屢推陳出新,不斷的自我要求是董事長樂團最最堅持的一項原則。除了自己玩音樂, 他們的音樂工作室,也屢為有潛力待發掘的音樂人一圓發片出專輯的夢。


2008製作的蔣進興【My name is 「Bai lang」】專輯入圍第十九屆金曲獎『最佳原住民語專輯獎 』&『最佳原住民男歌手獎』。



The Chairman

Vocals—Ji,  Guitar—Bai,  Bass—Jun,  Drums—Mickey     

Since forming in 1997, the Chairman has been a role model for young Taiwanese rockers. The driving force behind the Chairman is their determination to continue producing original music. They even built their own studio, which was designed to help promising musicians who lack resources to put together their own albums.


2007 Won the 18th Annual Golden Melody Award for Best Taiwanese Album for “Jin Ei Ah Gey Ei?”

2008 Produced “My name is Bai Lang” for Bai Lang, which was nominated for Best Aboriginal Album and Best Aboriginal Singer at the 19th Annual Golden Melody Awards.

2009 Was nominated for Best Band at the 20th Annual Golden Melody Awards for “Spend All of His Money.”

2010 Produced the album “Farming Together” for Yan Yung-neng. The album won the 21st Golden Melody Award for Best Taiwanese Album.


仙拼仙/台語 Fighting Among Celestials / Language: Taiwanese

搭配多種北管器樂,呈現獨樹一格的復古樂風,電音編曲則增添了歌曲現代感,更富新意和趣味。 「仙拼仙」歌詞主要是描述台灣早期富商家庭常見大老婆與細姨間爭鋒相對的情形及富商過世後各房分家產的現象!

Combing the traditional music Beiguan with the flavor of Taiwanese Rock N Roll, Fighting Among Celestials is about mocking the wife and concubine, the usual scene in the house of Taiwanese rich merchants, which always causes a divided family scrambling for the old man’s legacy.


歌仔戲/台語 Taiwanese Opera / Language: Taiwanese


This song applies a lot of musical elements from Taiwanese Opera. Mixing traditional Beiguan and Luantan music with Rock N Roll takes a lot of efforts, since the two are very different in tempo, melody, and the way of singing. It’s a painstaking work. Hope you enjoy!


眾神護台灣/台語 The Gods Bless Taiwan / Language: Taiwanese


Resounding Suona Horn is Taiwanese version of Vuvuzela, always cheering us up. Feel the charismatic tempo of carrying the palanquin, and you shall hear the courageous voice from the prayers, all singing “May the Gods Bless Taiwan!”




2007發行第一張個人客語專輯 BANANA獲得金曲獎:[最佳客語專輯 / 最佳客語演唱人 /最佳專輯製作人] 三項入圍,並奪下十九屆金曲獎[最佳客語專輯及最佳客語演唱人]二項 大獎同年並製作獨立樂團 「胖虎」 樂團life & live, BANANA專輯更獲中華音樂人交流協會評選2007年[最佳十大專輯]

2008發行個人第二張(台語)專輯 Only Love獲得第二十屆金曲獎 [最佳台語專輯]獎入圍

2009發行個人第三張專輯“十二月古人”再度入圍金曲獎[最佳客語專輯 / 最佳客語演唱人]二項



Ayugo is a well-respected artist who has been creating Taiwanese pop music for more than 20 years. In the 1990s, he and Bobby Chen formed the New Formosa Band and started producing their own records. Since then, the New Formosa Band has been nominated for three Golden Melody Awards. Their albums are ranked among Taiwan’s one hundred best-selling records of all time.


2007 Ayugo released his first Hakka album, “Banana,” which was named one of the Best Ten Albums of the Year by the Association of Music Workers in Taiwan. “Banana” won the 19th Annual Golden Melody Award for Best Hakka Album and Best Hakka Singer. That same year, Ayugo was also nominated for Best Album Producer. Ayugo helped produce “Life & Live,” an album by the new band Punkhoo.

2008 Released his first Taiwanese album, “Only Love,” which was nominated for Best Taiwanese Album at the 20th Annual Golden Melody Awards.

2009 Released his third album, “The Ancient on December,” which was nominated for Best Hakka Album and Best Hakka Singer at the 21st Annual Golden Melody Awards.

2010 His music was the favorite of Hakka in Miaoli and Hualian, and in Guangdong China.


In Taiwan, Hakka comprise 15-20% of the population, which makes them the second largest ethnic group on the island. Most Hakka originally came to Taiwan from Guangdong.


客家小炒/國、台、客語 Hakka Fried Dishes / Language: Mandarin, Taiwanese, Hakka


This interesting song names by a classic Hakka cuisine, and its’ lyrics actually tell you how to cook it.


日出/台、客語 Sunrise / Language: Taiwanese, Hakka


This funny song talks about the feeling of a guy who drinks alcohols till the dawn every day.

無緣/客語 Missed / Language: Hakka


A classic song, made by senior Hakka musician Sheng-Chih, Wu, tells us a man shouldn’t be bothered by the separation with his lover, and should always be brave to carve out his own future.




2008 Suming【為部落青年而唱】募款演唱會,演唱會收入及義賣所得全數捐給都蘭部落青少年傳統技能訓練及教育活動使用,並協助教育單親家庭及隔代教養家庭中的國、高中青少年。

2009【Suming海邊的孩子】募款演唱會暨Suming手工藝、水墨畫特展 ,演唱會收入及義賣所得全數捐給都蘭部落青少年傳統技能訓練及教育活動使用,並協助教育單親家庭及隔代教養家庭中的國高中青少年。發行【圖騰樂團】第二張專輯–【放羊的孩子】首次當導演,獲新聞局主辦【第二屆全民影音創作大賽】音樂MV組第一名(曲名:Kayoing)獲【台灣原創流行音樂大獎】原住民族語佳作(曲名:Kayoing)。

2010【請你記得我】—Suming姜聖民創作歌曲巡迴分享會高雄大港開唱參與沖繩國際亞洲音樂祭入圍第二十一屆金曲獎最佳樂團–【圖騰樂團】發行【Suming舒米恩首張創作專輯】 並獲得第一屆金音創作獎最佳專輯、最佳現場演出兩項大獎。


Suming is a member of the Amis tribe, from Atolan Village in Taitung County. He writes songs and makes aboriginal clothing. He enjoys playing basketball, cooking, painting, and doing graphic design. Suming is a versatile songwriter, composer, lead vocalist, and guitarist for the band Totem. He has only just started to tap his full potential.


2008 Held a concert and exhibited his aboriginal handicrafts and paintings. Donated all proceeds to charities and educational organizations in his hometown to help Amis teenagers.

2009 Held a concert and exhibition of his aboriginal handicrafts and paintings. Donated all proceeds to charities and educational organizations in his hometown to help Amis teenagers.

Released Totem’s second album, “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.”

Directed his first music video, “Kayoing,” which won first prize in a contest held by the Government Information Office.

Won a Taiwan Original Music Award for the single “Kayoing.”

2010 Attended the Megaport Music Festival in Kaohsiung.

Was invited to the Okinawa International Asia Music Festival.

Nominated for Best Band Award at the 21st Golden Melody Awards.

Released “Suming: First Solo Album,” which won the Best Album Award and the Best Live Performance Award at the First Golden Indie Music Awards.


年輕人/阿美族語 Kapah / Language: Amis


This song Kapah, meaning young people in English, tends to reminds Amis youngsters of their own culture, and encourages them to stick to the way they live.


我們的約定/阿美族語 Kasasetek Nomita / Language: Amis


Kasasetek Nomita means our promise in English. Do not forget our promise. No matter what happen in the future, our hearts will stay together.


祝福歌/阿美族語 Pasiwali / Language: Amis


Pasiwali means the song of blessing, a song that wishes my family all the best and tell them not too worry about me.

歡樂飲酒歌/阿美族語 Sapi Liepah a Radiw / Language: Amis


Destiny brings us together here, so let’s sing, drink, and celebrate this memorable moment!




2007第二屆中視星光大道16強、台北國際車展show girl、LUX洗髮精CF、Nikon相機平面CF、阿Q桶麵CF、遠傳電信CF、哈林香港紅勘演唱會合音。

2008 12月發行鄒族母語創專輯:鄒女在唱歌(入圍金曲獎最佳專輯)、大愛劇場”山”演出女主角。

2009 伊莉莎白雅頓活動代言人

2010 上海市博台灣館受邀演出(鄒女在唱歌)、第二屆中視金曲超級星10強、2010哈林台北小巨蛋演唱會合音、鄒女創作電影”The calling”演出、EZ5 20周年演唱會演出。

Yangui Yasiyungu

Yangui Yasiyungu is a member of the Tsou tribe. She sings in Mandarin, English, and Tsou, which is her mother tongue. She is a professional model for the Catwalk Production House and is also a Tsou-language singer/songwriter.


2007 Was one of 16 candidates on the second season of “One Million Star,” the CTV singing competition.

Was a model at the Taipei International Auto Show.

Was in commercials for LUX shampoo, Nikon, Ah-Q noodles, and Far Eastone Telecommunications.

Performed backup vocals for Harlen’s Hong Kong Coliseum Concert.

2008 Released the Tsou-language album “Tsou Women Are Singing,” which was nominated for Best Album at the Golden Melody Awards.

2009 Was a spokesperson for Elizabeth Arden.

2010 Performed in the Taiwan Pavilion at Expo 2010 Shanghai China.

Sang backup vocals at Harlem’s Concert at the Taipei Arena.

Acted in the Tsou-language movie “The Calling.”

Performed at the EZ5’s 20th Anniversary Concert.


太巴塱之歌/阿美族語 Song of Tafalon / Language: Amis


There is a very long aboriginal history behind this song that no one precisely knows its origin. It has been sung by the Amis people among the region of Tafalon tribe in Hualian, Taiwan.

南王系之歌/卑南族語 Song of Puyuma / Language: Puyuma


This song comes from a traditional occasion of the Puyuma Tribe. While people of Puyuma come back to their villages to attend the big hunting season, they celebrate it with a great festival full of joyful music and dance.

鄒族的天神/鄒族語 Yonhu Ci Amo Pepe / Language: Tsou


The name of this song means the God of Tsou, a song that expresses sheer happiness to have the connection with the God of Tsou.


2000年以《完美小姐》專輯於樂壇嶄露頭角。曲風向擅長以溫暖人心之節奏來表現冷冽的電子搖滾音樂,在其創作的《給女兒 (A Letter From My Dad)》一曲收錄于《海角7號》原聲帶,清新的風格在網路上引起廣泛討論。。

2008 4月在這牆The Wall與兩位瑞典籍創作歌手Hello Saferide和Maia Hirasawa一同表演,8月參與誠品屋頂音樂節與Sprintmars同台演出,年底於簡單生活節微風舞台表演。

2009 2月於西門河岸留言舉辦完美小姐十周年歌廳秀,參與周蕙的新專輯《周蕙, 夜動, 難題》製作群及製作「女孩與機器人」樂團首張EP,

2010 3月參與台中風和日麗連連看獨立品牌音樂祭,發表單曲《A Dialogue Between Me & My Ghost》收錄於風和日麗連連看合輯,8月於新加坡舉辦不插電環保演唱《ciacia。夏。省電樂》,9月與「女孩與機器人」樂團在搖滾台中樂團節登台共演,為「女孩與機器人」製作首張專輯《Miss November》發表單曲《Here to Stay》收錄在Open Taipei 城市概念專輯。


Glitchy, melodic and irrepressibly upbeat, the electro-acoustic pop-rock ditties of Ciacia bounce along with a friendly exuberance that leads you to a sun-drenched world of breezy reverie. The music was featured on the soundtrack for the Taiwanese megahit “Cape. No.7,” which won six Golden Horse awards in 2008.


2008 Performed at The Wall with Hello Saferide and Maia Hirasawa on April 12.

Performed at Rooftop Live with Sprintmars on August 23.

Performed at Urban Simple Life on December 7.

2009 Produced the second studio album for Mrs. This.

Produced three songs for Where Chou’s new album.

Performed at Riverside Livehouse for the “Miss Perfect 10th Anniversary Party” on February 21.

Produced the vocals for The Girl & The Robots’s first EP.

2010 Released the single “A Dialogue Between Me & My Ghost” as part of a compilation for A Good Day: Lien Lien Kan Festival.

Performed at A Good Day: Lien Lien Kan Festival in Taichung on March 28.

Performed at Esplanade Recital Studio on August 13 in Singapore.

Performed at the Rock in Taichung Festival on September 5 with The Girl & The Robots.

Produced the vocals for The Girl & The Robots’s first album “Miss November”

Released the single “Here to Stay,” which was recorded at Open Taipei.


我們快樂的向前走/中文 We Keep Going, Happily / Language: Mandarin


It’s a birthday gift for myself on my 40th birthday. Just as we’re slowly approaching the end of the road, let’s keep going, happily…

不好聽的話/中文 Words That Sound Bad / Language: Mandarin


Some people used to say bad words to show how deep they love you, but sometimes a few nice words encourage people way better than you can imagine.

我的歌詞/中文 My Lyrics / Language: Mandarin


This song is for those who think they understand my lyrics and making judgments. Also it mocks about the ugly fact that people tend to criticize others before they ever try to understand each other.


曲序 演 出 者 曲            目
1 董事長樂團 仙拼仙
2 董事長樂團 歌仔戲
3 ciacia&董事長樂團 我們快樂的向前走
4 ciacia&董事長樂團 不好聽的話
5 ciacia&董事長樂團 我的歌詞
6 Suming 年輕人
7 Suming 我們的約定
8 Suming 祝福歌
9 安歆澐& Suming 太巴塱之歌
10 安歆澐 野火
11 安歆澐 鄒族的天神
12 黃連煜 客家小炒
13 黃連煜 無緣
14 黃連煜&董事長樂團 日出
Ending 董事長樂團 眾神護台灣



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